Friday 26 May 2017

"Shifting the Culture"

A dynamic and interactive training day for social workers IRO’s and social work managers on best practice with separated asylum seeking and migrant children

Date:      June 29 2017

Venue:   NCVO National Council for Voluntary Organisations Society Building  8 All Saints Street  London N1 9RL

Time:    10 am to 4 pm

Cost:     £99 including lunch.

We expect to be oversubscribed for this very rare training opportunity via this partnership with leading experts from a range of perspectives
Click on the eventbrite link here to book                                                                     

This exciting training opportunity  will delve into both the immigration, care and care leaving  contexts and systems for these children and  young  The day will focus on the social work practice issues, challenges and dilemmas from the ethical, legal & care planning perspectives and how these  impact  on unaccompanied asylum seeking and migrant children and young people. The day will examine social work theory and practice in such contentious areas as age determination, the interface between competing legal systems, what social workers can and cannot do in this work, rights and entitlements and will provide an opportunity to network with other practitioners interested in this work.

Delivery Partners  BASW- The British  Association of Social Workers. NAIRO -The National Association of Independent Reviewing Officers. MICLU -The Migrant Children’s Legal Unit and TCS - The Children Society  and Birmingham University